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How is your safety program shelling out during harvest?

Harvest calls for long days and long nights, leading to little rest and growing fatigue as our families, friends, and fellow farmers move quickly to get their crops harvested on time. The added stress and long days increase the risk of incidents occurring, and any mishaps around large equipment can be significant and even life threatening.

“Across the country everyone is in the middle of harvest and many folks have already put in long hours on combines, tractors and other equipment. This is a crucial time to check in with your harvest crews and reinforce the importance of safety,” said Dan Kent, Agri-Services Agency Loss Control Consultant. “We have seen increasingly dry conditions, and an increase in incidents. Please be extra vigilant for any signs of fire this season – this goes for our operators, fellow farmers and any of the public passing by. You never know, you could be the one who saves a life that day.”

Long days, equipment breakdowns and slowdowns, and incidents have all impacted harvest schedules. Taking a minute to make sure safeguards are in place and equipment is operating at top performance will pay off in the end.

Whether you get out of the field early or stop because of equipment needs, use that time to evaluate and restock safety gear. One example is checking your fire extinguisher. If you have only used part of your fire extinguisher, you may have exhausted propellant. This would warrant replacing or recharging the fire extinguisher depending on the type.

To help your harvest team think safety, here is a daily checklist and list of equipment to think about restocking or asking about when supper comes to the field.

Daily checklist
  • Did you do a walk around of your equipment before starting?
  • Did you do a pre-operation check?
  • Did you wear appropriate clothing for the job at hand that day?
  • Did you make sure you could see out all your windows from the operator’s seat?
  • Did you check under your equipment for children, pets, or animals?
  • Did you wear your seatbelt?
  • Did you clear the operator’s station of any trash or debris?
  • Did you lock out your machine by removing the keys?
  • Did you remember to take everything you brought with you that day?
  • Will you make it home today?

Restocking Checklist:
  • Fire extinguishers
  • First aid supplies
  • Coolers with water and food
  • Equipment specific guards, parts, filters, or fluids
  • Tools needed for field maintenance
  • Jumper cables
  • Sunglasses/safety glasses/glasses
  • Dust Mask/Respirators
  • Flashlight and batteries
  • Tissues/paper towels
  • Cones/Reflective Triangles

“Having a daily checklist and prioritizing proper safety equipment can help reduce the likelihood of an accident,” says Kent. “Harvest is a busy and stressful time for those who are working around the clock to harvest all their hard work done earlier in the year.”

Everyone has been running hard this harvest season – whether you are in the operator’s seat or a family member, everyone is under enormous pressure. The agricultural community needs a little extra grace during this busy season. Children and spouses have missed time with their loved ones and our operators have missed the time with their families. Everyone needs a moment to get rest and recharge.

Leading with safety, education and compliance, Agri-Services Agency partners with farms to help minimize risks and foster a proactive approach to safety. With a veteran loss control team, ASA offers interactive, on-farm safety training, can assist with OSHA compliance activities, and can help you develop an ongoing employee training program.

For more information on safety training, OSHA compliance activities and workers’ compensation programs, fill out the contact form or call (877) 466-9089.